If you are missing all of your Kindle books, have you signed up with Whispercast?
- In order to purchase Amazon Kindle books for you, we need to link your Amazon account to the AMHS purchasing system (with a service from Amazon called Whispercast). Click this link to begin the process: https://whispercast.
amazon.com/join/ Follow all of the prompts. If you do not have an Amazon Account, create a new one.hPE2Mj0CnQ7V1FbRjfBaD8ATmE7Nkm QV - Please be sure the name on the Amazon Account matches your name (not your parent's) so that we can easily identify you in the system. Once you have completed the registration, we will purchase the required books for you.
- Make sure that you log into the Kindle app on your iPad using the same account that you used to register for Whispercast.
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